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فارسی عربي


Tehran short filmfest calls for entries

The 34th edition of the Tehran International Short Film Festival has published a call for entries on the sidelines of the event.

Themed on social issues, the sideline section of the event will include three categories, namely “Faith and Hope in the Eyes of Contemporary Man” and “Urban Rights" as well as “Cinema and Book”.

Applicants may fill the submission form online at until July 11 and the official selections will be announced on September 23, 2017.

The full text of the call is available online at the website of Iranian Youth Cinema Society,

The 34th edition of the Tehran International Short Film Festival, to be directed by Seyyed-Sadeq Mousavi, is slated for October 17-22 in the Iranian capital city.

Organized by IYCS, the festival is held to provide an opportunity for young filmmakers to exchange their experiences.

